The education process at St. Thomas made a significant change in the 2011-2012 school year with the addition of our 3 year old program…referred to as our “Pre-3’s.” This program will supplement our existing Pre-K curriculum. Both programs are staffed by state-certified teachers. Students who attend these programs will have structured play time where they learn not only the basics—such as the alphabet, counting, and colors—but also how to interact effectively amongst friends. Both of these curricula are theme-based and are coupled with hands-on activities and group learning.
Specifically in our Pre-3 Program, social skills such as respect, manners, and sharing are stressed. In the area of fine motor skills, children practice assembling puzzles, stacking and building with blocks, and using scissors. Learning how to zip, button, and snap clothing, putting on shoes and tying them are other self-help skills of this program. Balance, running, and jumping contribute to the physical development; academically, students learn to trace letters, write his/her name, tell a story from pictures, identify letters and sounds, count to 10, recognize numbers 1-10, and create one-to-one sets. Creative expression is emphasized through music and art, as well as in sharing each others’ drawings and work. Stories about God, prayer recitation, and religious activities are integrated into daily curriculum and personal sharing.
Our Pre-3 Program offers three different options:
8:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday/Thursday (2 Days a week)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (3 Days a week)
Monday-Friday (5 Days a week)
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday/Thursday (2 Days a week)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (3 Days a week)
Monday-Friday (5 Days a week)
7:00 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. (Optional) Pre Care Program (Located in the gym and cafeteria)
3:30p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Optional) After Care Program (Located in the gym and cafeteria)
Students must be three years old by September 1 and potty-trained.
Sample Pre-3 Schedule
- Greetings and Sign-in
- Table top activities (puzzles, small letters, blocks, books.)
- Clean-up/Greeting
- Circle time: prayer, pledge, calendars, days of the week, song, counting apples
- Center time (academics: letters, etc.)
- Snack and Bathroom
- Library and story time (once a week)
- P.E. (once a week)
- Review, prayer, and dismissal